Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc
QUESTION: What are aspirin after a prostate biopsy effects? Does it help with pain or other problems after biopsy?
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QUESTION: Is there any DNA screening for prostate cancer detection? If yes, when and how is it performed?
Yes, there exist a DNA screening for prostate cancer. In fact, it is included in the risk factors for prostate cancer package.
As every man is at potential risk for developing prostate cancer, it has been come out with the new techniques of evaluating the grade or the exact risk factors one male has for prostate cancer.
On the other side, genes are those which keeps the "secret" of future developing of any diseases or conditions, including prostate cancer.
Starting from this points, the "curious" scientists have studied and explored the exact genes that determine whether one male would develop prostate cancer or not.
At the same time, a DNA screening will evaluate and tell earlier if one is having this disease or not.
Clinical evidence of DNA screening for prostate
Back in 2006, PCA3 gene was discovered in urine of males with prostate cancer. Because this was the gene mostly expressed by the prostatic cancerous cells, it has been determined as very specific for this disease.
However, it still remains in the "under-study" issue because of many limitations and lack of evidence and/or specificity/efficacy.
At the end, DNA screening has attracted the attention of many individuals (not only males, but females or children) to determine their risk levels for developing any type of disease.
I have come across deCODEme test that may identify many diseases (including prostate cancer) by reading the genes of our DNA. This is quiet new for me; however, if the the tests they have carried out have already worked, then, it must be a success.
I hope anybody who has done this test, could illuminate us with more details. At the end, I could only say, that the environmental factors will influence our genes with passing of times (some of them will undergo mutations); therefore, to my opinion, the risk will be altered.
Thus, I do not think one should stay calm even though the deCODEme test has resulted negative for cancer. I admit I am not an expert, but I only share my opinion and the knowledge I got up there.
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