7 Foods to Prevent Enlarged Prostate and Cancer

Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc

Oyster is really delicious among seafood. Some of my friends and related do not like oyster. Perhaps their appearance is not considered "cleaned & safe-to-eat" enough for them:)

On contrary, I like all dishes prepared with seafood, oyster in particular.

oyster for prostate

Oyster Use Benefits for Men's Prostate

Why is oyster considered beneficial in prostate problems?

It's simple: it is high in zinc content and healthy fatty acids.

Oysters are high in vit. A and C, calcium and iron which are important for overall health.

Altogether, the nutritive components of oyster will :

- empower with the right energy you need to do your daily activities

- provide enough zinc to your prostate to function properly

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