Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc

Gleason score on biopsy verses at surgery+prostate cancer?

QUESTION: What is the difference in gleason score on biopsy verses at surgery+prostate cancer? What are the figures to check out and better understand the current situation of a person with prostate cancer?


It is true that gleason score on biopsy is a very important "tool" in understanding or determining the extension of this disease before undergoing surgery.

This determination will also help surgeons in their decision on the best procedure and the places they should search for the cancer (in cases when it has been spread, whether confined or extraprostatic).

The lower the score (up to 4), the higher the chances that the cancer is confined and not spread outside the prostate. However, there are studies showing that even though patients had gleason score from 4 to 5, only half of them had confined prostate cancer.

The system of gleason score will also determine the success of a prostate surgery. In general, the lower the score, the higher the chances for success.

For your info, success is determined by entirely eradicating cancer, and it cannot develop after prostate removal; meaning there is no extraprostatic cancer.

After the surgery, the patient will follow up to determine his health status, including his gleason score for survival.

All the best!


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How long do results from prostate biopsy usually take?

QUESTION: My father is going to have prostate biopsy next week, because his doctor found that his prostate is enlarged. I want to know how long do results from prostate biopsy usually take?


In general, you have to wait about 1 or 2 weeks to obtain the results from your prostate biopsy, but this is not quite sure, because this depends on certain conditions.

In purpose to make you understand this delay I will explain you some of the things that are done with your biopsy probe.

  • At first, when your doctor is making you a prostate biopsy he is sending this probe to a pathologist. These doctors are looking the cells of your prostate in purpose to see if there is something wrong with them.

    Before that, they sit in front of the microscope to tint these cells with paints in purpose to make them visible under microscope. After the examination of the pathologist, there are some routine tests, which are quite necessary to run.

    They are performing cytological, imunohistochemical and other test which are providing the physician the information about the metabolism of your cells. This way will helps us to see if the cells of your prostate are producing proteins that are typical for cancers.

    After this procedure, the pathologist writes a conclusion about the structure of prostate’s cells for example, and this conclusion is then sent to you physician.

    Only then you can take your results and understand if there is something wrong with the prostate.

    All the best to your father!


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