Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc
by Duane Peck
(hot springs s.d. 57747)
QUESTION: I started having on and off again fever, along with the inability to get a meaningful urinary flow going,it was a dribbling and upon stopping my bladder does not feel empty.
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by fady
(Egypt . Aswan)
QUESTION: I wake up at night twice to urinate. Feel disorders in lower back. I go to bathroom every 1 hour.
ANSWER: Hi Fady,
To conclude about your health situation, I would like to know your age, medications you are taking, some facts on your lifestyle and diet habits, etc.
However, in lack of such data of yours, I could say, based on your telling, that going every hour in bathroom is not a good condition.
Therefore, you must appoint a visit with your doctor to check your bladder, kidneys and prostate; and to do some lab analysis (i.e urine feme and urine culture) to exclude infection of urinary tract.
As you are only asking for some natural home remedies for enlarged prostate, then:
1- Avoid smoking, alcohol, prickles (as I know you use it a lot in Egypt:), coffee, chillies, fried foods, etc., as they will irritate the urinary tract and you would pay more visits to bathroom.
2- Try to drink water during the day, avoid drinking lots of water at dinner, in order to limit your visits to bathroom.
3- Some of my patients are having good results by drinking herbal teas like uva ursi or rosa canina they prepare themselves. Try one of them and see the difference. They use to have them 3 times a day.
The main principle to combat the symptoms of enlarged prostate is to eliminate the irritants of urinary tract and/or those that increase the size of prostate gland.
Keeping in contact with your urologist will also help you prevent or limit the spread of prostate cancer.
All the best!
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