Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc
The BPH surgery is the final options when patient is not improving on medicine therapy or in case there is a complete blocking of outflow.
You should have a clear notion that 100% remedy can only be availed by surgery and it is a matter of time how long you can suppress the symptoms of BPH with medicines.
The aim of the surgery is to remove the tumor or complete removal of prostate gland called Radical Prostatectomy.
While doing that, the surgeon’s important aim is preserve the external controlling muscle of urethra to maintain the urinary continence in future life and also to protect some autonomic nerves, responsible for the male potency.
In today’s scenario, all most all surgical procedures are coming under microsurgery but in earlier days it was not the same.
There was only option of open surgery and lack of hygienic awareness among the patients during post operative period, especially in the developing countries had cost many lives.
You rather have additional knowledge about your blood sugar level and blood pressure status as both the conditions, if not controlled optimally may convert mole hill into mountain.
It is a temporary measure to defer the date of the surrey by inserting Foley’s catheter so that obstruction can be minimized and steady urine out flow should be there for a certain period of time.
It is attached with a urine bag that permits one to see the quantity of output of urine and the color of urine is the indicative of presence of blood or abnormal protein flow.
The operation is mainly done by inserting a tube through urethra and to cut out the tumor.
It is true that urethral opening is the most preferred choice for these surgical interventions but depending on the cases, some time back portion of the lower abdomen, upper portion of the lower abdomen or in between anus and genital route is also preferred with the guidance of ultrasound.
The procedure is the more modern approach of TURP with more predictable result.
Insertive Coils:
There are specific coils, available in the market in specific sizes. Surgeons are inserting them therapeutically so that your blockade over the urethra will be partially removed for the time being and you can have the satisfying feeling of complete void after passing urine.
Insertive Stents:
Similar to Coils, urethral stents are available that help the dilation of the urethra and inhibit the blockade and let the patients have the relief at least for a specific period of time.
Both the coils and the stents are coming under sterilized and antiseptic packet with proper sealing. The insertion also needs expert hands lest; the chances of contaminations may further trigger opportunistic infections.
Sometimes hot and clod water bath of genital region (diathermy) also gives effective result.
You may be thinking what you should opt for in case, afflicted with BPH. The best BPH treatment depends on the cause of the symptoms and you will steer your case to the suitable option under proper medical guidance.
You and your doctor (in this case called urologist) will decide if BPH surgery is the best option for you or not.
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